This is something that has been on my mind this week, so I started to look into some of the facts and decided that this is something both women and men should be more aware of.
Is it ignorance or lack of importance in everyday life? Now days for something to be unfortunate it seems it must be gruesome and twisted to get our attention. Have we simply become immune to tragedy? Or is it just common place? Rape, kidnapping, and sexual assault are so rampid that they are considered common. The question is should they be? No, I don't believe so.
The worst part is that after going through some of these statistics, I realized the world is even more frightening than we thought. How do women walk the streets alone? How does a woman with nothing in her back pocket, no Plan B, walk around Walmart at night buying groceries without being in constant fear of an attacker? Everyone knows someone that has been a victim. How are we so sure that we're not next in line.
When I was 15 years old, I had a friend. We had been BFF's since I don't know, maybe 9 or 10 years old. She came down every summer from North Carolina and stayed for a month or two. When she was 14, she had just came from staying here on the beach. She had broke up with her boyfriend (2 or 3 years older than her, by the way) just before she came down to visit. When she got back home and started school back, she was raped by him, her ex. She was raped at school in the computer room, in the SCHOOL. It can happen anywhere, even being a kid and having adults around, it can happen.
It's terrible to think that adults aren't the only ones that deal with this sort of thing. It's children too. Poor, innocent little children that don't know how to defend themselves have to deal with adults that have mental problems enough to molest or rape a child.
So what are we doing America? Ladies, what's your Plan B? If you have a man between your legs, do you feel confident that you can defend yourself? Do you have an escape route? Parents, have you talked to your kids about sexual assault? In a good majority of cases, the victim knows the attacker. What are you doing so that these kids can defend themselves or at least know how to move away from an attacker in such a way that they can escape?
Maybe we can't stop rape, or violence as a whole, but maybe we can have a Plan B, just in case. Having a Plan B gives you confidence in yourself. Which, in turn, makes you look less vulnerable or weak to anyone on the hunt for their next rape victim.
I'm begging you guys!! Ladies, men, girls and boys, please come try Jiu Jitsu. Come try a class with us. Women and children especially. We need a plan, an escape route. We as women need the confidence that if a man gets between our legs, he's getting his arm broken and then he's getting choked to sleep. Kids need Jiu Jitsu in their life. They need to be part of a team and to experience pressure so that they know what to do and don't panic in a bad situation. We have a kid right now that's 12 and if something ever was about to happen, I firmly believe that attacker would get choked out in about 10 seconds or less. Give your kids the confidence they need in such a violent and crime filled world. Give them the skills they need just in case they ever have to execute their Plan B.
Rape Statistics
Click For Stats Page
Click For Stats Page
- Every 2 minutes, someone in the U S, is sexually assaulted.
- 1 in 4 girls will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18.
- 1 in 6 women have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
- 15 % of sexual assault and rape victims are under the age of 12.
- Approximately 68% of rape victims knew their assailant. 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives. 29% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger.
- More than 50% of all rape/sexual assault incidents were reported by victims to have occurred within 1 mile of their home or at their home.
- About 3% of American men – or 1 in 33 – have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
- 2.78 million men in the U.S. have been victims of sexual assault or rape.
- 17.7 million American Women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.
- 93 % of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker.
- Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes, with 60 % still being left unreported.
- In 2007:
- In Alabama, 1,408 rapes were reported.
- An average of 4 rapes per day.
- In 72 % of the rapes, the victim and offender knew or were related to each other.
- 22.5 years was the average age of a victim.
- 19 % of rapes occurred on a Saturday and 18 % on a Sunday.
- 28.0 was the average age of an offender.
Rape Myths
Myth: Rape is caused by lust or uncontrollable sexual urges and the need for sexual gratification.
Fact: Rape is an act of physical violence and domination that is not motivated by sexual gratification.
Myth: Women provoke sexual assault by their appearance. Sexual attractiveness is a primary reason why a rapist selects a victim.
Fact: Rapists do not select their victims by their appearance. They select victims who are vulnerable and accessible. Victims of sexual assault range in age groups from infants to the elderly. Sexual attractiveness is not an issue.
Date Rape
- 84 percent of the women who are raped knew their assailants.
- 57 percent of the rapes occurred on a date.
- Women, ages 16-24, have four times higher risk of being raped than any other population group.
- 16 percent of male students who had committed rape took part in episodes with more than one attacker's gang rape.
- 33 percent of males surveyed said that they would commit rape if they could escape detection.
- 25 percent of men surveyed believed that rape was acceptable if the woman asks the man out, the man pays for the date or the woman goes back to the man's room after the date.
Sexual Assault
- One out of four women is sexually assaulted at some point in her life.
- One out of six men is sexually assaulted at some point in his life.
- Every 15 seconds, a woman is beaten by her husband or boyfriend. (FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1991) (I bet it's worse now)
- Two to four million women are abused every year. (American Medical Association)
- 95 to 98 percent of victims of domestic violence are women. (Bureau of Statistics)
- Approximately 25 percent of all women in the U.S. will be abused by current or former partners some time during their lives. (American Medical Association)
- 82.8 percent of sexual assaults occur before the victim reaches the age of 25.
- 78 percent of sexual assault victims were assaulted by someone they knew.
- Up to 57 percent of rapes happened on a date.
- Fewer than 20 percent of crimes of sexual violence are reported to the police.
- One in eight college women is the victim of rape during her college years. One in four is the victim of attempted rape.
- 95 percent of these rape victims did not report the rape to officials.
- 25 percent of women were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, partner or date during their lifetime.
- 84 percent of the women knew the men who raped them; 57 percent were on dates.
My name is Tori Applegate and I have a mission to help educate people about Jiu Jitsu. I worry for the women and children. I know there's not much I can do, but I'm trying to make people aware on the web and in the local area. Jiu Jitsu can help your life as a Plan B and in general. Give it a shot and I promise, you won't look back!
Find us on the web!
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