Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Jiu Jitsu, Where Are the Women? Part 2

Jiu Jitsu is the art of using leverage and technique to submit your opponent. Size does not matter. It is not about power or strength. So why don't we see more women actively doing Jiu Jitsu if size, strength, and power aren't needed?

In my last article, "Jiu Jitsu, Where Are the Women?" ( www.10thplanetgulfshores.com/blog ), I started to touch on some possible reasons why women don't commit to Jiu Jitsu. I'd like to delve further into those and also, why women should do Jiu Jitsu. I'd like to shed some light on what to expect when you start doing Jiu Jitsu and maybe, just maybe, get women on the gulf coast to give it a shot.

Here is the ideal thing to expect when you start Jiu Jitsu. First, you will have a class on technique, a sequence of maybe three or four submissions that take place in a certain position. For example, if you were to come to a class and the position was your guard (you are on bottom with your legs wrapped around your opponent's waist), you might learn how to break that person's posture, then submit them with an arm bar (over extension of the arm). In the same class you probably will also learn to submit your opponent with an omoplata (shoulder lock) and a triangle (one arm in choke). You learn these techniques one at a time and rep them with a partner/classmate enough times to start feeling comfortable with what you're learning. Usually the technique class will last around an hour. A separate hour is set aside for live rolling/sparring. The purpose of this is to apply the techniques you've learned in the different technique classes you may have taken so far in a realistic setting. Live rolling is essential and helps you progress in Jiu Jitsu at a faster pace than just attending technique class. The confidence it gives you to grapple with your classmates of all sizes, strengths, and levels of technique is not something you can grasp until you have done it. 

So you have an idea of the structure of technique class and live rolling! Now I would like to touch on a few things that take getting used to and a few things that might make women apprehensive, but I promise once you get a true taste of Jiu Jitsu, you will grow a passion for it.

One of the biggest issues I believe women have with Jiu Jitsu is the fact that it is a full body contact sport. What does that mean? Well, it means that people are going to touch your feet and possibly areas that might make you uncomfortable, NORMALLY. You and your opponent will be body to body and will have to touch each other, sweat on each other. It's just part of the sport. I want to reassure all of the women out there. You will be treated just like everyone else. The men are so respectful. They act appropriately and it enables all of us to learn, grow, and have a fun time. When you sign up for Jiu Jitsu, you join a team. Man or woman, we all train together working to achieve different or similar goals.

There is always a possibility that there will be a problem while rolling/sparring.  Body parts are going to be touched, but there's a difference in doing this on accident in transition and doing it on purpose. Ladies, if ever this were to happen, it's ok. It can be dealt with simply.  Men are attracted to women so sadly, sometimes inappropriate things happen. Let your instructor know immediately and if you are uncomfortable having body contact with certain men, decease. Rep and roll with everyone else, it is a very easy problem to solve if for some reason this comes up. Now that being said, I have been around MMA and Jiu Jitsu for a little more than two years and have never seen this occur, but I can tell that the fact of there being a slight possibility that this could happen makes women very uncomfortable. Please, don't toss Jiu Jitsu to the side because of a 2% chance that an inappropriate situation may occur at some point.
The chances are higher at Walmart, yet we all venture there once a week to buy groceries.

Don't hold back because of others and their ego problems. Some people say Jiu Jitsu is a man's sport and yes, true, it is dominated mostly by men at this time, but who has the power to make Jiu Jitsu strictly a "man's sport". The answer is no one. Rhonda Rousey has proven that. Because of her, women are now in the UFC. Because of her amazing Jiu Jitsu, women are getting recognition in this sport. Also, on the Metamoris Pro 2 card(Jiu Jitsu Super fights event) there was a women's Jiu Jitsu super fight. Jiu Jitsu is for everyone, even in a competitive setting. I've read different articles and blogs where people talk about how maybe a man being tapped out or submitted by a woman messes with his ego because maybe another man in the gym will make a foolish comment like, " Ha! You got tapped by a girl." So what are people trying to say? Maybe they're trying to voice their opinion on not liking women doing Jiu Jitsu, and why? Because it hurts their EGO. Ha! Ladies, what a better reason to start Jiu Jitsu immediately. Some of the best Jiu Jitsu players have no ego. They are humble and down to earth. Jiu Jitsu teaches humility and respect, how to work hard, and to not give up under extreme pressures. That is Jiu Jitsu.

So I've touched on a few things that might intimidate or make women uncomfortable, but now I really want touch on why Jiu Jitsu is a perfect match for women. Prepare to fall in love.

As women, we spend 80-90% of our time caring for someone else in some way. Whether we're working at our job, making phone calls for our husband, cooking a meal for the family, trying to schedule out time to clean the house, planning a surprise party, etc. There are constant demands on us, and that's ok. We are the glue that holds things together, but sometimes we get so carried away that we realize we do nothing for ourselves. We scheduled everything, but forgot ourselves. Jiu Jitsu is the perfect hobby for every women. Most places offer day and night classes. The gym is a place you can go and be able to 1) work out while having fun, 2) release life's stresses, physically, 3) learn something new and develop strong self confidence, and 4) feel that if ever you were attacked, that guy would sincerely regret it.

Did you know that while doing an hour of Jiu Jitsu you will burn, at the minimum, 1,000 calories? That is how I started doing Jiu Jitsu. It is an amazing full body workout. It's so easy in today's world to have a diet that's not the best choice and forget about exercising. Jiu Jitsu can't change your diet, although a lot of people that do Jiu Jitsu eat very healthy. As far as exercise, if you love it and it's your hobby, how can you not do it? If you like strategy games, I promise you will be addicted. Jiu Jitsu is practically a physical game of chess. If working out is more of a mental thing, it's not necessarily easier, but it does make it more fun and challenging. The neat thing is, during all of this you are also learning how to defend yourself should you ever be caught on your back in the street. You develop reflexes and awareness from live rolling every night that translate over to real life situations. I know personally, I feel better having some knowledge in my back pocket just in case I get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Women are made for this sport. There are so many factors that contribute to being a good Jiu Jitsu player and women just might have an advantage. Most women are naturally flexible. Flexibility is not necessarily needed to do Jiu Jitsu, but it makes it a lot easier. It can help make some of the transitions faster. It can help get you out of bad positions before your opponent can settle in to keep you there. Also, like I said at the very start of this article, strength, power, and size aren't needed in Jiu Jitsu. I will say this, being the smallest one is hard, it's hard for a little while until you start learning how to maneuver big people, or really strong people. I just stated that it was hard, yes, but being small makes you so much more technical because you have to learn to use leverage and technique at the highest level. Why? Because you cannot use strength, or power, or size even a little bit. Too, I believe the women that get into this sport develop a determination and a ruggedness. We let nothing get in our way and we train so hard, for upcoming competitions and other reasons as well. Women have strong minds. We put our emotion into things we feel strongly about or really believe in. Women are capable of being limitless in Jiu Jitsu if they would just let it in.

So to conclude, please ladies, give Jiu Jitsu a fighting chance. You won't be disappointed if you stick with it. The gulf coast needs women in this sport, and so does the rest of the world. My name is Tori Applegate. I'm a regular person like you. I'm a hair stylist, but at night I do Jiu Jitsu. At night, I'm part of a great team. If you live around Baldwin County, feel free to drop by our school, 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Gulf Shores (www.10thplanetgulfshores.com). Let us make you part of our team!

Article written by Tori Applegate

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eddie Bravo coming to 10th Planet Gulf Shores on July 20th!!!

It's 10 days away! I can't stress how excited we are to have Eddie Bravo in Gulf Shores, AL. His super fight with Royler is just 3 months away and even still, he is coming HERE to put on a seminar for us!! 
For more info, go to www.facebook.com/10thplanetgulfshores under "Events".
Contact us @ 10thplanetgulfshores@gmail.com